Prestigious state prize awarded to MCI graduate

Another piece of good news has arrived at the MCI: Sarah Wetzel, a graduate of the International Health & Social Management Master's programme, was awarded the Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science & Research for her first-class Master's thesis "Effective Access to Orphan Drugs in the European Union - United in inequitable diversity?

In her thesis, Sarah Wetzel examines the different access to so-called orphan drugs, i.e. drugs used to treat rare diseases, in the European states. In doing so, she sheds light on an extremely relevant health topic and provides a picture of the European health market that could gain considerable weight in the political discussion.

Her academic supervisor, Armin Fidler, is pleased together with Sarah Wetzel: "Ms. Wetzel has chosen a very challenging topic for her work, which she has tackled with perseverance and determination. The result is now a first-class analysis of the EU pharmaceutical sector."

The Honourable Mention Award of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research was established in 1990 and is of the rank of a state prize. This prize, which is financed from student funding, is awarded annually to the best 50 diploma and master's degrees at all Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences (out of a total of around 16,000 degrees).