Enorme Nachfrage nach angehenden MCI Absolventen

Yesterday's Recruiting Forum at the MCI was a complete success. 1.000 students took the opportunity to gain insights into the world of work and to get to know potential employers and internship providers.

A sensational 80 companies and organisations from trade and services, technology and industry, tourism, logistics, non-profit and much more, international "big brands" as well as highly specialised niche players and "hidden champions", took the opportunity to present themselves to MCI students as future employers. The students were able to make valuable contacts and find out what is particularly important when applying for a job, what key skills future employees should bring with them and how to get started in professional life.

For the exhibiting organisations, on the other hand, the MCI offered a welcome platform to present themselves as attractive employers and to track down future talents.

Caroline Bachlechner, Chair of the MCI University Representation, appreciates the practical orientation of her university: "The MCI Recruiting Forum gives us students the opportunity to meet potential employers and internship providers. These contacts lay the foundation for later careers."

On behalf of the companies and organisations, Alexandra Gudra (Porsche Holding) states: "For us as employers, cooperation with universities is essential in order to get in touch with talented young people at an early stage and to give them the opportunity to get to know our company. I think it's great that the MCI, as an Entrepreneurial University®, offers this platform."

Brigitte Huter, Head of the MCI Career Center, sums up: "Even and especially in times of social media, the personal interview is a door opener in the application process. I am pleased about the great response from both students and companies and would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment!