Course Management, Psychology & Leadership

Anyone who has to make decisions in a leading position needs the ability to take different perspectives.

Understanding complex decision-making processes, relating to them as a leader and successfully shaping the decision-making processes for all those involved is the focus of this exceptional continuing education programme.

The 16-day extra-occupational course deals with selected questions of business psychology as well as the reflection and optimisation of one's own management role. By linking economics and philosophy, sociology and psychology, participants are encouraged to adopt different perspectives and to use the insights thus gained beneficially in their own professional environment.

The course starts on 11 May 2018. A few remaining places are still available.

"I don't always agree with myself!

The curriculum deals with answers to the question of how to communicate credibility, orientation and meaningful agility to oneself and others in times of permanent change."

Dr. Reinhold Bartl, Milton Erickson Institute Innsbruck