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Selected date: 21.02.2022 | 17:30 Uhr
Film im Saal 6

Wunderschön 2022

Almost all of us are familiar with the need to emulate an ideal image. Mothers, daughters, men, the old and the young are all caught up in a permanent mania for optimisation.

WUNDERSCHÖN tells their stories: There is Frauke, who no longer finds herself desirable "just before 60", while her retired husband Wolfi doesn't know what to do with himself without a job. Her daughter Julie wants to finally make it as a model and tries doggedly to press her body into the beauty ideal of the industry. This in turn is pursued by schoolgirl Leyla, who is convinced that she can lead a better life with Julie's looks and cannot relate to herself. Julie's sister-in-law Sonja also struggles with her body, which becomes the expression of a life crisis after two pregnancies. Her husband Milan is not aware of the pressure she puts on herself as a young mother. This, in turn, is no great surprise to Sonja's best friend Vicky, who is convinced that women and men do not and will never come together as equals, at least not in love. Her new colleague Franzwürde, however, would like to convince her otherwise.

WUNDERSCHÖN - a film close to life, honest and hopeful.

Genres: Drama

Running time: 132 min.

Film release date: 03.02.2022

Starring: Karoline Herfurth, Nora Tschirner, Emilia Schüle

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Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinofilme | Kultur

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