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Selected date: 05.06.2022 | 13:15 Uhr
Film im Saal 9

Willi und die Wunderkröte

Willi Weitzel embarks on an adventurous journey through Egypt, Bolivia and Panama to explore the habitats of frogs. He is encouraged to go on this journey by 10-year-old Luna and her grandmother, a mysterious old lady and amphibian researcher. But while Willi is on the road, a drama is unfolding at home: the Huber farmer has simply filled in the small pond where Luna found frogs so that he can get around the bend better with his giant tractor. Luna was able to save the frogs, but now she doesn't know where to put them. Luna and Willi come up with a plan to convince the village community that the frogs need a home. Willi's research trip now takes on a whole new urgency: with his pictures and stories, he is to help Luna convince people of the value of the little animals that are fighting for survival all over the world.

Every child knows Willi Weitzel, reporter, presenter, world explorer and adventurer. Since 2001 he has hosted the knowledge programme "Willi wills wissen" for Bayerischer Rundfunk and KiKA, for which he travelled all over the world. In his second feature film, Willi not only brings the importance of the amphibian world to a young audience, but also tells the story of a girl who refuses to be intimidated and tries to convince her village neighbours with her powers of persuasion and her tenacity. Luna thus stands for a generation of children and young people who stand up for nature and environmental protection at an early age and remind adults to treat the world with more care.

Genres: Documentary

Running time: 90 min.

Film release date: 13.05.2022

Starring: Willi Weitzel, Ellis Drews

Movie Trailer:

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Kinofilme | Kultur

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