Vor Ort 215 – Bogenfeld Architektur – Campagne Reichenau 2022
Meeting place: Temporary District Centre, Radetzkystr. 41, 6020 Innsbruck
In 2017, Bogenfeld Architektur won the competition for the first construction site on the Campagne site with a project based on the basic idea of an outdoor living room. In the spirit of architectural diversity, the four building components will be realised together with the runners-up of the architectural competition. Wolfgang Andexlinger, Franz Danler (IIG), Markus Pollo (NHT), Max Rieder (juror) and the architects will lead a tour of this first part of the new quarter during an "on-site" discussion.
Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Innsbruck.info
Categories: Events
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