Selected date: 19.10.2024 | 11:00 Uhr

Vom EasyBonerider bis zum Knochenjäger 2024

WORKSHOP for children with Stephan Pirker as part of YUKUMOOKT - young culture month October
Location: KUNSTRAUM INNSBRUCK, Maria Theresien-Straße 34/Arkadenhof, 6020 Innsbruck. Austria
Age group: Children from 7 years
Registration via
Please bring along: old broken construction kits (cars, motorbike ...), broken small parts from the household, save all the toys that would otherwise end up in the rubbish and make new spacey objects from them ....
Stephan Pirker cordially invites you to use the handicraft tables in the exhibition OHNE RESERVE RAD / NO SPARE TIRE to create new, experimental, fantastic, futuristic or simply assembled objects from his construction kit. Collecting, finding, crafting, recycling natural and artificial waste, upcycling unusable materials and dreaming and exploring worlds of thought lead the artist into a meditative state of freedom during his creative process. This state is explored together in the workshop and an attempt is made to get away from the constant pressure to perform and the constant flood of stimuli of the present day.
A cooperation with junges Kulturmonat October
Part of the programme of the Days of Climate Culture

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C)

    Categories: Ausstellung | Events | Kinder & Familie | Kultur | Kurse & Workshops

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