ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 17.05.2022 | 19:00 Uhr

UNI4UKRAINE – Ein Benefizkonzert 2022

These days, history is being written - in a way that seems to us to have fallen out of time. Every day we see images from Europe in colour that we usually know in black and white: Images of war. The shock that Russia's attack on Ukraine is having on European society is also being felt here in our country. We rightly feel that what is happening with our neighbours also affects us. But what can we do here? The three musicians Mariya Nesterovska, Mahan Esfahani and Hubert Mittermayer Nesterovskiy asked themselves this question and answered it with a solidarity concert. A programme of baroque music combined with contemporary music, played on violin, harpsichord and bassoon. We have chosen the Giant Hall of the magnificent Hofburg as the venue, a place where the past is palpable. The organiser is the University of Innsbruck, which, in addition to its responsibility for an open and free society, also feels committed to its Aurora partner university in bombed-out Kharkiv in the future. It should be an evening dedicated to the constructive and opposed to the destructive. And with all of this, a large sum is to be raised for the people who very urgently need our help.
The ticket proceeds will be donated to the Ukraine aid of "Neighbours in Need" and to the Karazin Kharkiv National University (Aurora partner university in Kharkiv). We thank the artists. They waived their fees completely for the benefit of Ukraine Aid. We would also like to thank the Burghauptmannschaft for the free use of the Giant Hall. A special thank you to Walter Peer (Honorary Consul of Ukraine) and the Early Music Festival, as well as to Ö-Ticket for their kindness.

Rector Tilmann Märk (University of Innsbruck)
Walter Peer (Honorary Consul of Ukraine)
Works by
Johann S. Bach
Francesco M. Veracini
Bert Breit a.o.

Picture from the event

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