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Trau’ma uns – Theaterstück & Workshop 2024

Theatre play "Gletarn" on 24.5 and workshop on the subject of trauma on 25.5 & 26.5
(theatre play can also be booked individually)
"Mum, what did Grandad actually do during the war?"
We are all children or children's children of parents whose lives have been shaped in one way or another by the consequences of the Second World War. Only now do we realise the extent of the traumatisation, because we now know that trauma is inherited. "Epigenetics" is the name of the field that investigates how the consequences of trauma are passed on through our genes over generations.
Why did my mum have to go to a psychiatric ward after I was born? Why was my grandad called "Sheriff"? Why did I lose my voice at 14 and take years to find it again?
Julia Höfler tells the story of how her family became rich thanks to the patent on a plastic hand grenade. Her ancestors have their say in erratic flashbacks. In particular, she brings the fates of the women in her family to life. Despite the touching topics such as rape, abuse and psychiatry, she does not make a theatre of consternation. She succeeds in taking the audience on a deep and moving journey through a lively narrative tone, humour, a lot of physical effort and singing.
A reappraisal and testimony. A story about resilience and the big question: "How do we deal with the guilt and responsibility of our forefathers?"
Further information and bookings at

Picture from the event

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