ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 20.04.2024 | 20:00 Uhr

Träumereien eines einsamen Spaziergängers 2024

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the French writer and philosopher, led a remarkable life. Despite exile, flight and personal challenges, he continued to write. His "Reveries of a Solitary Walker" is a continuation of his honest "Confessions". In these he reflects on success, contempt and his difficult fate. The "musings" are his means of survival, a way of dealing with the world around him. He shares them with others and gives instructions on how to become happy: "The source of true happiness lies within ourselves and no power in the world can make someone miserable who wants to be happy and knows how to become so."
Translation: Ulrich Bossier
Adapted by: Walter Sachers
Director: Klaus Rohrmoser
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