Stoffwindelworkshop: Das kleine 1×1 der Stoffwindeln 16.09.2023 10:00 2023
on 16.09.2023 10:00
Maximum 12 places
Sat, 16.09.2023 10:00 - 13:0030.00 € per person
Are you still unsure whether or with which cloth nappies you want to change your baby? Don't feel like navigating the jungle of countless options on your own? Then you've come to the right place!
Save yourself hours of internet research and still be unsure what to buy in the end!
Reasons for changing with cloth nappiesExplanation of all common cloth nappy systems with advantages and disadvantagesDay and night nappy systemsPUL vs. wool as wetness protectionDifferent absorbent materials and their propertiesFolding techniques for prefolds and gauze nappiesWashing and storing cloth nappiesHow do I put on a cloth nappy correctlyEveryday life with cloth nappies, what do I need?It is important to me that you get a realistic impression and develop a feeling for the various possibilities of modern cloth nappies. You can touch and examine everything extensively. You can also practise diligently on dolls and dummies to get an idea of which cloth nappy system feels best for you. You are welcome to bring your own existing cloth nappies.
IMPORTANT: My advice is absolutely BRAND INDEPENDENT. My range includes common brands that are available on the (online) market.
This offer is aimed at all (expectant) parents, parents who are considering switching to cloth nappies, grandparents, childcare staff, midwives, or simply put, anyone who is interested in sustainable and modern nappy changing.
This course is designed without children. I would like to give all participants the opportunity to concentrate fully on the topic. If the child wants to be breastfed for a short time, this is of course possible.
Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Familienzentrum Innsbruck
Categories: Kinder & Familie | Kurse & Workshops
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