Selected date: 31.12.2021 | 18:00 Uhr
Spaziergang durch Licht 2021
On the last three days of the "old year", Innsbruck with its special alpine-urban flair becomes a luminous work of art. Impressive light productions illuminate seven special facades of the city and thus the special time around the turn of the year: Hofburg and Hofkirche, Tyrolean Landestheater and Haus der Musik, Goldenes Dachl, Dom zu St. Jakob and Mariahilf-Häuserzeile.
During this enjoyable "walk through light" you will experience unique light creations in a special ambience over three days. From nightfall onwards, the facades of the buildings are illuminated with artistic projections and the familiar buildings are shown in a completely new light. Accompanied by fine background music, the light productions can be experienced individually on your own and the walk through light at your own pace. The highlight on New Year's Eve will be the traditional mountain New Year's Eve on the Seegrube, which will impressively welcome the New Year 2022. In the city, the Danube Waltz will sound punctually at midnight, and you can dance into the new year to its beat. On the last day of the year, you can already start dancing at 9 p.m.: In front of Haus der Musik, the turn of the year will be accompanied by the finest live music.
Picture from the event

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