ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 01.05.2022 | 20:00 Uhr

Schwarzmander 2022

Three men stand at an empty grave, like the Schwarzmander in the church of the same name in Innsbruck, in front of the empty grave of Emperor Maximilian. The emperor has not died, but the regent of the Schwarzmander band has. Once again, the musical honour should be paid to the master and idol. Axel is dead and leaves behind many questions and secrets.
Waiting for the funeral procession makes the three friends think. About death, life and... axel. Afterwards, nothing is the same any more. Or is it?

Ticket reservation: You can reserve tickets ONLINE at or by phone at 0676/4988025. Tickets € 16/€ 13 (pupils and students)

Picture from the event

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    Categories: Events | Kultur

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