ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 07.04.2022 | 20:00 Uhr

Osterfestival Tirol 2022 – Machines 2022

In his debut, director Rahul Jain shows the gruelling everyday life in one of the countless textile factories in Gujarat (India). Adults and children work tirelessly under inhuman conditions for a pittance in 12-hour shifts. The rhythm of work is dictated by the machines that never stand still. With the help of beautiful, unforgettable images, the camera takes the viewer on a journey to this place of dehumanisation where man and machine seem to merge into a single being. Jain leaves it almost entirely uncommented upon, with sparsely selected interviews supplementing the documentary
A haunting story of inequality and oppression, humans and machines.

Picture from the event

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    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie

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