ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 08.10.2021 | 20:00 Uhr

musikmuseum – Tiroler Landesmuseen: „Ein himmlischer, kostbarer Knabe ….“ 2021

Since 2018, cellist Kaspar Singer has been exploring the broad field of Mendelssohn's piano chamber music together with other outstanding, internationally active Tyrolean musicians. In 2020, piano quartets by the great "romantic classicist" were already on the programme, compositions by a brilliantly gifted boy. The two works at the centre of this concert are also among Mendelssohn's early masterpieces. The B minor quartet, for example, is dedicated to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, in whose house the boy frequented and made music. Goethe was a great admirer of the young Felix and once remarked to his mother: "He is a heavenly, precious boy! Send him to me again quite soon, that I may refresh myself with him." The tour of discovery through the world of Mendelssohn's chamber music is given a special tonal charm by the use of historical instruments: among others, the sonorous fortepiano by Conrad Graf from the Ferdinandeum is used, an ideal instrument for this repertoire.

Ulli Engel (violin)
Markus Huber (viola)
Kaspar Singer (violoncello)
Michael Schöch (fortepiano by Conrad Graf)

Admission: € 24

Advance booking:
Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum (Museum box office)
Museumstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck
Tue-Sun 9-17
+43 (0)512 59489 180

Picture from the event

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