„Musenkuss am Canapé“ 2023
They are finally back at BogenTheater!
"Musenkuss am Canapè" is a musical ensemble that tells the adventurous story of Madame Chevrolet, who escapes from dark, criminal entanglements and advances to become a breathtaking diva as a vaudeville singer.
The four musicians treat the audience to their own German-language compositions in various styles and guarantee a glamorous evening.
A little insight
Madame Chevrolet (Eva Reheis): Vocals
Lord Steinway (Martin Peter): Piano
Madame Pinot (Burgi Pichler): Double bass, vocals
Hardy Spelunke (Stefan Gritsch): Drums
"Give what you can" (box office)
Picture from the event
Image rights: (C) Bogentheater
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Origin of the post: https://www.bogentheater.at/spielplan/alle/278/999/musenkuss-am-canape
Share link: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/musenkuss-am-canape-2023/