ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 25.03.2023 | 14:00 Uhr

Mitsinnen 2023

Social & cultural participation for people with dementia
This workshop invites people with dementia and their partners and family members to the museum. The offer is tailored to the needs and possibilities of all participants. The focus is on individual experiences, encounters and inspiration through art. Experience a work of art with all your senses and get creative yourself in the studio. An art geragogue and a cultural mediator will accompany you.
No previous knowledge is required. The event is free of charge.
Registration by 12 noon the day before and information at +43 512 59489-111 or

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C)

    Categories: Ausstellung | Events | Kinder & Familie | Kultur | Kurse & Workshops

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