Book ticketATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 11.01.2024 | 20:00 Uhr

Liebe. Liebe? Liebe!!! 2024

Due to high demand, there are two additional dates in January!


Erna and Doris, two women talk about their love lives in a sarcastic, funny but also touching way. Nothing is left out: Separation and heartbreak, how dating in Tyrol could work, first great love, long-distance relationships, broken heart syndrome, and everyday relationships with: "Me and my husband" and the question of whether the state of being in love is even bearable in the long run
In the end, what remains is the certainty that love is a complex and fascinating journey
A fun-filled evening that makes the audience laugh with vocal interludes and a guaranteed personal recognition effect.

Excerpts from Love. Love? Love!!!

D: There are three things
E: What three things?
D: Three things that humanity has forgotten a bit. Please, thank you and I love
E: That's right. I love you. Very difficult. I can't even say that properly to
my mum properly. Yes. I think that's why I'm waiting
D: But if the other person is waiting too. Then you wait forever

D: Are there days or places when you're not allowed to break up?
E: No, there aren't
D: But if you're a reasonably empathetic person?
E: Well, maybe there are days when you could have waited
D: I do think there are days. Birthdays, 1 April, Christmas and New Year's Eve
E: Yes, New Year's Eve!

Text: Elena-Maria Knapp

Direction and text editing: Hans Danner

Acting: Daniela Oberrauch and Elena-Maria Knapp


Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Bogentheater

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