Kesisme iyi ki varsin Eren 2022
Original version in Turkish. Original version in Turkish.
While Mother Ayşe gave birth to Eren Bülbül in Maçka, Ferhat Gedik, who was also a soldier in Ankara became the new father. From the first day, Eren stepped into life, Ferhat and his destinies had already begun to intersect. On the other side of the world; one of the bullets produced in an underground gun workshop in the far east was lightly scratched and packed due to the fault of a drowsy employee, and it started its own journey.
Eren and Ferhat did not even know each other for years. While Eren is trying to hold on to life as the child of a poor family living in the highlands of the Black Sea; Ferhat and his wife Cemile used to hit the road almost every three years and work in different parts of Turkey. The fates of these two seemingly far-flung people had actually crossed many times, but fate prevented them from realizing it until "the time has come". While Ferhat was striving for his homeland in Hakkari, Eren had already started to struggle with the difficulties of life as a child... They both worked hard; they sacrificed a lot. In all their difficult lives, they always cling to life; They laughed, they believed, they loved. As they were getting closer to each other, that "wounded bullet" that set off from the Far East was getting closer to them day by day.
When Ferhat was appointed to Maçka due to his new duty, the evils he was fighting reached to the village where Eren lived; it entered through the door of the little house. Ferhat left his family behind, going on one last mission. He asked his wife Cemile for one last sacrifice; He then told his family that he would give all his time to his children after that. A heroic soldier who fought his enemy by conquering hearts and persuading them with his sincerity and words, and a Turkish young man who said "My biggest dream is to be a soldier" because he was impressed by the success of that soldier when he watched him on TV, had met and went on a journey together; When their lives intersected, the countdown was about to come to an end.
Genres: Drama
Running time: 98 min.
Film release date: 01.01.2022
Starring: İsmail Hacıoğlu, Rahman Beşel, Alayça Öztürk Gidişoğlu, Emir Çiçek, Mutlunur Lafçı
Feature film trailer:
Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino
Categories: Events | Kinofilme | Kultur
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