Ticket buchenATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 12.06.2024 | 20:00 Uhr

Junge-Chemie-Science-Slam 2024

Alle Jahre wieder, kommt der Junge-Chemie-Science-Slam. Am 12.06.24
bieten wir um 20:00 Uhr im Bogentheater allen Science-Slamern unter euch
eine Bühne um eurer Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen. Der Eintritt wird
um 19:30 beginnen und 3€ kosten. Die Plätze sind wie immer begrenzt,
also wer zuerst kommt... Wenn du nicht nur zusehen, sondern selbst auf
der Bühne stehen möchtest, dann melde dich doch im untenstehenden
Formular an.

You've been waiting for it, so we delivered it. This year, we'll be
doing our Young Chemists Science Slam again. On June 12, 2024, at 20:00,
all of you science slammers will get the chance to present your creative
work. The location will be the Bogentheater. Entry will be at 7:30 pm
and will cost 3€. The seats are limited. First come, first served. If
you would rather stand on stage than sit and watch, just register in our
form below.

Anmeldung hier

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Bogentheater

    Categories: Events | Kultur

    All information without guarantee. Subject to change without notice. Translation errors not excluded.
    If you find any errors, please let us know.
    All images used here have been released for use by the partner site.
    Origin of the post: https://www.bogentheater.at/spielplan/alle/339/1162/junge-chemie-science-slam
    Share link: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/junge-chemie-science-slam-2024/