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Selected date: 15.12.2021 | 16:15 Uhr
Film im Saal 9

Istanbul Muhafizlari: 100 Yilin Muhafizlari 2021

Original Turkish version with German subtitles.

Gürgen and Azmi teleport to 1920 with a time machine. Their main purpose is to prevent the assembly that will take place on 23 April. The metropolis of Istanbul is supposed to no longer exist and if Istanbul no longer exists, the Istanbul Muhafizlari (Istanbul Guards) will also no longer be needed. But things do not go as planned by Gürgen and Azmi. The Istanbul Guards now try to prevent Gürgen and Azmi from doing so by teleporting themselves to 1920 as well.

Genres: Animation

Running time: 60 min.

Film release date (release): 26.11.2021

Movie Trailer:

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinofilme | Kultur

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