Selected date: 24.08.2022 | 20:00 Uhr
Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik – Saiten und Orgeln 2022
Lorenzo Ghielmi, Milan-born, highly acclaimed and award-winning organist, harpsichordist, conductor and music researcher, together with baroque violinist Mayumi Hirasaki, invites the Innsbruck audience to follow him on the journey of composer Georg Muffat, a journey paved with inspiring encounters: From the precocious violin sonata in D major, completed in Prague in 1677, to the toccatas and ciaconas of his "Apparatus musico organisticus", with the help of which he - plagued by jealousy and envy as well as a lack of opportunities for advancement in Salzburg - once again intended to offer his services to the House of Habsburg
to the House of Habsburg.
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