Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik – Introitus 2022
in 1622 a very special celebration was held in Innsbruck: In the absence of Archduke Leopold, his elder brother, Emperor Ferdinand II, married Eleonora Gonzaga from Mantua. Court conductor Giovanni Priuli and court organist Giovanni Valentini brought an ensemble of no less than 22 singers, 14 instrumentalists, 13 trumpeters and 18 chapel boys. This was reinforced by some of Leopold's musicians as well as those from the Damenstift in Hall, who musically embellished the festivities held with church music, dance, table music and trumpet fanfares in the Hofburg and the neighbouring Hofkirche. In the Introit, the ensemble La florida Capella performs a selection of motets and instrumental works as the festive congregation gathered under the rood loft of the Hofkirche might once have experienced and listened to devoutly
Picture from the event

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