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Selected date: 09.06.2022 | 16:45 Uhr
Film im Saal 8

Immenhof 2 – Das große Versprechen

Turbulent times at the Immenhof! While Charly attends the art academy, Lou and Emmie take care of the farm. They are supported by their cousin Josy, a funky city girl who knows nothing about horses. Worse still, Josy can't tell a horse from a zebra. The first challenge arises when Mallinckroth wants to hide his champion Cagliostro, who has been poisoned by strangers, at Immenhof. Josy is stunned. What gangster hotspot has she landed on? Against Josy's consent and under the strictest secrecy, the otherwise contemplative Immenhof is converted into a high-security wing. But Lou and Josy are not the only ones keeping a secret. Emmie and her friend Susi are also under pressure after they promised their neighbour, who also fell victim to a poison attack, that they would take care of her 22 Icelandic horses. But how do you secretly smuggle 22 Isis onto a farm that is now equipped with numerous high-tech surveillance cameras and alarm systems? Lou, who has no idea about all this, is confronted with a new problem. After finding a boot toe in front of Cagliostro's box, she realises that the stallion is no longer safe at Immenhof either. To protect Cagliostro from another poison attack, but above all from the ambition of his owner Mallinckroth, who wants his stallion to compete in the last derby of the triple despite being poisoned, Lou has no choice but to flee. With the promise that their protégé will never have to run another race, Lou and Cagliostro set off on a journey full of adventures and surprises. But where do you hide an 18 million euro horse? And what role does their childhood friend - the handsome Cal - play in the end?

Order the book now at TYROLIA.

Genres: Adventure, Family, Drama, Lovestory

Running time: 103 min.

Film release date (release): 26.05.2022

Starring: Leia Holtwick, Ella Päffgen, Caro Cult, Heiner Lauterbach, Max von Thun, a.o.

Movie Trailer:

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Kinofilme | Kultur

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