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Selected date: 22.06.2022 | 09:00 - 20:00 Uhr

IFSC Climbing World Cup und European Cup 2022

5 days, 4 disciplines, 3 World Cups, 1 European Cup
Just one week after the University World Championships in Sport Climbing, the next top-class climbing event will take place from 21-26 June 2022. During the five days of competition, a total of three World Cups (Boulder, Lead & Paraclimbing) and one European Cup (Speed) will be held. More than 500 top athletes from about 40 nations are expected. Since last year's event unfortunately had to take place without an audience, this year in Innsbruck for the first time top performances from all four individual disciplines can be admired live and up close at an IFSC event away from a World Championship.

Admission to the qualification and semi-final rounds is free of charge. Advance ticket sales for the final rounds are expected to start on 1 May 2022. For more information, click here.

The programme of the IFSC Climbing European Cup & World Cup in Innsbruck 2022

Tuesday 21.6.
09:00: World Cup Paraclimbing Qualification
16:00: European Cup Speed Practice + Qualification
20:15: European Cup Speed Final

Wednesday 22.6.
09:00: Worldcup Boulder Qualification
18:00: Worldcup Paraclimbing Final

Thursday 23.6.
13:00: Worldcup Boulder Semi-Final Men
19:30 hrs: Worldcup Boulder Final men

Friday 24.6.
13:00: Worldcup Boulder women's semi-final
19:30 hrs: Women's Worldcup Boulder Final

Saturday 25.6.
9:00 a.m.: Worldcup Lead qualification
19:00 hrs: Worldcup Lead semi-finals

Sunday 26.6.
19:00 hrs: Worldcup Lead final women
20:15 hrs: Men's Worldcup Lead Final

About the location of the Climbing CUPs

The event will be held at the Innsbruck Climbing Centre. The climbing centre, abbreviated as"KI" in Innsbruck, went into operation in 2017 and is one of the largest and most modern climbing centres in the world. A total of 5700 m² of climbing space is available, of which 3,000 m² is for indoor rope climbing, 1,500 m² outdoor rope climbing and 1,200 m² indoor or covered bouldering space.

What do the different forms of competition mean?

Lead = is rope climbing in the lead, secured via the expresses (carabiners). The climbers try to get as far as possible within a defined time frame. The number of holds reached is scored according to time. So if the climber has reached (and held) the same number of holds, the time is used as a second evaluation criterion.

Bouldering = climbing without a belay on a wall at jump height, i.e. approx. 5 metres at the highest point with thick mats underneath. Since there are only a few holds in bouldering, the bouldering routes are very difficult in order to demand a lot of technique, strength and skill in a short time.

Speed = is climbing on a predefined and always identical route. Here it is purely about the time the athletes need to reach the buzzer at the top. The 15-metre high standardised route is climbed by the best of the best in under 6 seconds, which corresponds to more than 2.5 metres per second.

Paraclimbing = is climbing for people with disabilities who compete against each other on the rope in different competitions depending on their limitations.

Picture from the event

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