IFFI – International Film Festival Innsbruck 2022
Since its beginnings in 1992, the IFFI has always had a socially critical - often political - tenor. IFFI remains true to this orientation. At IFFI, this is mainly done with contributions on topics and from regions that are underrepresented in global cinema networks. They convey perspectives and dialogues that undermine stereotypical imaginaries, relate our own positionality and, in the end, promote the chance of transcultural cognition.
Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Innsbruck.info
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Origin of the post: https://www.innsbruck.info/brauchtum-und-events/veranstaltungskalender/detail/event/iffi-international-film-festival-innsbruck-6.html
Share link: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/iffi-international-film-festival-innsbruck-2022/