Helge Schneider – Ein Mann und seine Gitarre 2022
After my secretary Mrs Höpfner slipped on the bus when it started and my head lighter Erwin Klemke was forbidden by the doctor to drink any more beer, moreover Tee Koch Bodo's hair is greying, it occurred to me that we still have Corona and I have to catch up on all my concerts from 2020, which won't be quite so easy.
Because time is as fleeting as bands, mine from back then are long gone. That's why I've decided to continue touring now under a different star. My latest programme of material, which has been tested by a biochemist and an engineer along with diagnostic equipment, is to be called "EIN MANN UND SEINE GITARRE"!
I am happy to announce that this is something quite extraordinary! Namely, I will have peppermint tea brought exclusively by my tea cook Bodo and Sandro Giampietro will play the guitar! It is a special pleasure for me that on some days the exceptional talent Charlie "the Flash" will sit down at the drums, if he gets time off from school for that!
So we would then be complete as "the original turnip pigs" as a band.
(But only in certain countries!)
Thank you for your attention!
Helge Schneider
Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Innsbruck.info
Categories: Events | Musik & Konzerte
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Origin of the post: https://www.innsbruck.info/brauchtum-und-events/veranstaltungskalender/detail/event/helge-schneider.html
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