ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 15.02.2024 | 11:00 Uhr

Franco Clivio: Manifolds 2023/2024

Swiss product designer Franco Clivio has always been fascinated by objects that can be opened and closed, folded or pushed into one another in an often astonishing way using a wide variety of mechanisms. With the "Manifolds" - a series of works in the transition between the second and third dimension, which inspire both the eye and the mind with their combination of technical sophistication, precise geometry and minimalist aesthetics - Clivio has been taking the step towards purpose-free design for over ten years now.
Oscillating between surface and space, statics and dynamics, density and dissolution as well as material weight and optical lightness, these cinematic objects made of geometric line and surface structures encourage a playful exploration of form.
An event organised by aut. architektur und tirol

Picture from the event

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