Selected date: 23.06.2023 | 19:30 Uhr
Fabularasa – 2. Telfer Literaturfestival 2023
Fabularasa is a literature festival that reinvents itself every time. The aim is to awaken the joy of reading in all age groups of the local audience, to break down genre barriers and to connect people with each other. To this end, every year a motto is sought that corresponds to the spirit of the times and touches people. This year's motto is: The village is like the internet, it forgets nothing.
22:06.2023 - Exhibition in the Noaflhaus Bildersaal: Lena Burgstaller "Chronicle & Archive - the analogue hard drive of the community"
22.06.2023 - Reading: Markus Köhle "The village is like the internet, it forgets nothing!"
23.06.2023 - Poetry evening: Christine Frei and U. Elisabeth Sarcletti
24.06.2023 - Reading: Thomas Raab "Peter comes later"
Further information and tickets at: Bücherei & Spielothek Telfs and at + 43 52 62 / 69 61 17 00
Admission: € 5.00 - Admission from 7 pm
Picture from the event
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Categories: Ausstellung | Events
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