Book courseATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 03.06.2023 | 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Ein Stadtrundgang auf den Spuren der Antike – Antikenrezeption in Innsbruck 2023

Antiquity, i.e. the culture of the Greeks and Romans, was an epoch whose themes and material legacy were studied and dealt with in modern times like hardly any other. With greater or lesser intensity, it was regarded as a model to be aspired to and concretely imitated. The city tour through the centre of Innsbruck will therefore focus on a wide variety of buildings and works of art, many of which only reveal a clear connection to classical antiquity at second glance.

Sat 03.06.2023
10:00 - 12:00 h
120 min

Picture from the event

Kurs-Angebot der VHS

Image rights: (C) VHS Tirol

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