Dune 2021
"Dune" tells the gripping story of the brilliant young hero Paul Atreides, who is destined by fate to play a role he never dreamed of. To secure the future of his family and his entire people, Paul must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe. Only on this world does a valuable raw material exist that could enable humanity to realise its full spiritual potential. But sinister powers want to seize control of the precious substance. A fierce battle breaks out, which only those who conquer their own fears will survive.
With "Dune", Oscar® nominee Denis Villeneuve ("Arrival", "Blade Runner 2049") brings the adaptation of the groundbreaking bestseller of the same name by Frank Herbert to the big screen.
Genres: Action, Science Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy
Running time: 156 min.
Film release date: 16.09.2021
Starring: Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Zendaya, Javier Bardem
Movie Trailer:
Video from the event
Picture from the event
Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino
Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Kinofilme | Kultur
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Origin of the post: https://www.megaplex.at/film/metropol/dune
Share link: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/dune-2021/