Diversität in der Hochschullehre verankern: Erfahrungen nutzen… 2023
How can existing barriers and structural discrimination in university teaching be dismantled in order to create the best possible conditions for learning for all?
A study commissioned by the Research Platform Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck has investigated the conditions under which higher education institutions in Austria and Germany can structurally and bindingly anchor the consideration of diversity in teaching. Central results of the study will be presented and discussed this evening.
On the basis of existing literature and the experiences of university actors, the spectrum of possibilities for action will be explored, from the individual level to structural measures in the area of personnel development, infrastructure, curriculum planning and others: While the topic of resistance and hurdles in the implementation of diversity in teaching occupies a large space in the professional discussion, at the same time many ways of shaping universities as power-critical and democratic places are revealed.
Welcome by the Rector of the University
Prof. Dr. univ. Veronika Sexl
Words by the Director of the FP Center Interdisciplinary Gender Research Innsbruck (CGI)
Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Gundula Ludwig
Lecture "Anchoring Diversity in University Teaching: Making Use of Experiences - Shaping Together
by the author of the study Melanie Bittner
Further information at https://www.uibk.ac.at/de/geschlechterforschung/veranstaltungen/2023/diversitat-in-der-hochschullehre-verankern-veranstaltung/
This event is part of the Diversity Week.
During Diversity Week, many academics will be highlighting the diversity of ideas, theories and working methods in their respective subjects in their courses.
In addition, the university invites all interested parties to readings, discussions and films. The diversity of our city and also of our university should thus become visible, tangible and experienceable.
The highlight of the week is the Festival of Diversity, on 24 June 2023, from 11:00 to 20:00. Visitors can expect a diverse and colourful programme around the Folk Art Museum.
Further events within the framework of the Diversity Week can be found at
Picture from the event
Image rights: (C) Innsbrucktermine.at
Categories: Ausstellung | Events | Kultur
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Origin of the post: https://www.innsbrucktermine.at/veranstaltungen/diversitat-in-der-hochschullehre-verankern-erfahrungen-nutzen
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