ATTENTION: This date is in the past

Die Wiedervereinigung der beiden Koreas 2022

The Reunion of the Two Koreas by Joel Pommerat
translated from the French by Isabelle Rivoal
About the struggle for love
From twenty scenic fragments, Joël Pommerat creates a kaleidoscope of the struggle for love. There is much to gain and even more to lose. Secrets are revealed, truths relentlessly dragged into the light. In the intensification of the scenes, an impressively realistic picture emerges of what unites us and at the same time divides us.
Joël Pommerat throws us from one delicate situation into the next, the stage is under high tension. THE REUNION OF THE BOTH KOREAS is a dynamic ensemble piece that leaves no one cold.
Director Irmgard Lübke
Set Marlene Lübke-Ahrens
Assistant Director Luzia Fessler Lighting Design & TechniqueBeto de Christo/Luzia Fessler
Public Relations and Photos Christoph Tauber
Overall direction Konrad Hochgruber
Performance rights MERLIN VERLAG Andreas Meyer VerlagsGmbH & Co. KG, Gifkendorf
Performed by Maren Menzel, Andrea Praxmarer, Verena Rosenauer, Sonja Rudolf,
Michaela Schalk; Sandro Gusmerotti, René Orbini, Peter Schumacher

Picture from the event

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