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Die Pfefferkörner und der Schatz der Tiefsee 2021

The oceans as a huge rubbish dump? Marine biologist Jaswinder can't possibly let that happen! She has set up a laboratory in Northern Ireland, where she is fully committed to researching a project that could drastically reduce the plastic waste in the world's oceans. But in doing so, she makes powerful enemies, first and foremost the recycling entrepreneur Fleckmann, who pretends to be a clean person, but in reality rakes in money with illegal waste disposal. Jaswinder is in the greatest danger: she receives threatening e-mails, a thief breaks into the lab in Ireland - and finally she disappears without a trace from aboard her research ship. Luckily, her son Tarun and his girlfriend Alice are real peppercorns: With a lot of courage and cleverness, they set about solving their latest case. Their adventurous journey takes them from the research station on the Northern Irish cliffs to their headquarters in Hamburg's Speicherstadt and on to the fishing village of Wesemünde, where Jaswinder's research ship is moored.

Order the book to the film now at TYROLIA.

Genres: Adventure, Family

Running time: 95 min.

Film release date: 01.10.2021

Cast: Meriam Abbas, Heino Ferch, Caspar, Emilia

Movie Trailer:

Video from the event

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Kinofilme | Kultur

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