ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 29.12.2024 | 19:00 Uhr

Die große Chance – Eine märchenhafte Komödie im Jenseits 2024/2025

What comes after the end? Everything comes into being and passes away, everything lives and dies. Nothing remains, but nothing is ever lost - it just moves somewhere else.
Three souls, Rouge, Grey and Purple, are stranded in limbo: one life behind them, a new one ahead. Not yet enlightened enough to dissolve into higher spheres, but worthy enough to be given a new chance. Time there is relative; it stretches out tenaciously in order to thoroughly reconsider the past life. There you yawn, wait, argue, think, sing and doze. And if you're lucky, you get a new assignment, a new body - and get to try again: life.
A kaleidoscope of music, poetry, dialogue and theatre, where every evening is unique thanks to changing guest artists.
By and with:
Luka Oberhammer
Alexander Sackl
Konrad Hochgruber
Brigitte Jaufenthaler, Conni Schuster, Joschi Hampl, Dieter Seelos

Picture from the event

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    Categories: Events | Kultur

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