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Selected date: 20.03.2022 | 16:15 Uhr
Film im Saal 4

Die Gangster Gang 2022

Mastermind Mr. Wolf, safecracker Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, the master of transformation, Mr. Piranha, the man for the rough stuff, and the ingenious hacker Ms. Tarantula are the "Gangster Gang", the most wanted criminals of all. When the five villains are caught after a spectacular heist, they fervently vow to do better to avoid prison and soon realise that doing good isn't so bad after all. But then a new villain threatens the city ...

DreamWorks' new animated adventure THE GANGSTER GANG is based on the successful children's book series by Aaron Blabey. The directorial debut of 3D animator Pierre Perifel (Kung Fu Panda) is produced by Damon Ross (Trolls) and Rebecca Huntley (The Boss Baby).

Genres: Animation, Family, Adventure

Running time: 100 min.

Film release date: 17.03.2022

Movie Trailer:

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Kinofilme | Kultur

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