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Selected date: 11.04.2022 | 16:15 Uhr
Film im Saal 9

Der Wolf und der Löwe 2022

After the death of her grandfather, twenty-year-old Alma decides to return to where she once grew up: to a small island in the heart of the Canadian forests. No sooner has she settled there than she rescues a wolf pup and a lion cub in an unusual way. From then on, inseparable, the two unequal friends grow up together with Alma, far away from civilisation. Until one day a ranger shows up in front of their cabin and snatches the two from Alma's care. An exciting search across Canada begins, which is to reunite the two courageous animal children with their beloved friend Alma.

In Mia and the White Lion, animal and nature film specialist Gilles de Maistre accompanied a girl and a lion cub with his camera for over three years, creating one of the most impressive animal adventures in recent film history.

Genres: Drama

Running time: 100 min.

Film release date: 17.03.2022

Starring: Graham Greene, Charlie Carrick, Molly Kunz

Movie Trailer:

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Kinofilme | Kultur

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