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Der Schneeleopard 2022

In the heart of the Tibetan highlands, nature and wildlife photographer Vincent Munier goes in search of the snow leopard together with writer Sylvain Tesson. Only a few specimens of the endangered and shy species can still be found in the wild. The two men roam the mountains for days, reading tracks, becoming one with the landscape. They wait patiently, observe and take photographs. Their slow hunt for the snow leopard develops into an inner journey, a silent dialogue about the place of man in a disappearing world. The result is a film of overwhelming beauty.

Tesson wrote about his experiences in the book "Der Schneeleopard" (Rowohlt Verlag, on the Spiegel bestseller list for months), the 3-time "BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year" Munier captured his breathtaking photographs on paper in the illustrated book "Zwischen Fels und Eis" (Knesebeck Verlag). Nick Cave and Warren Ellis contributed the music to the film.


Order the book now at TYROLIA.

Genres: Documentary

Running time: 92 min.

Film release date (release): 25.03.2022

Starring: Sylvain Tesson, Vincent Munier

Movie Trailer:

Picture from the event

Image rights: (C) Metropol Kino

    Categories: Events | Kinofilme | Kultur

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