Der Kredit 2022
GUEST at the Westbahntheater
Formentera's court jesters with "The Loan"
Comedy by Jordi Galceran
Branch manager Goetz works as a credit examiner at a bank and leads a well-situated life with his family. When Anton Schmidt enters his branch and applies for a loan, disaster takes its course. Branch manager Goetz checks, weighs and - rejects. But Schmidt does not take no for an answer: he even threatens to seduce Goetz's wife if he does not grant him the loan. What initially sounds like an absurd irony to Goetz increasingly becomes an existential crisis, which reaches its conclusion in the climax of the play.
Performing: Thomas Rizzoli and Simon Schwarz
Director: Marion Gamper
Ticket reservation: e-mail, tel. 0039 340 3760957
Tickets EUR 16,- EUR
Picture from the event

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