Dahoamelig Konzert im Casino Innsbruck 2021
Live concert with the Hoameligen
Some associate them with authentic folk music, others with charming and witty cabaret. Proof that even after 20 years the three ladies of the Hoameligen can't be pigeonholed musically. With regional folk music and standards of light music, the Tyrolean ensemble manages a musical balancing act that shows how seamlessly styles can be strung together.
Tickets at € 35,- including € 15,- in welcome chips and a glass of sparkling wine or a non-alcoholic alternative are available at Casino Innsbruck
Picture from the event
Image rights: (C) Eventsuche.info
Categories: Events | Musik & Konzerte
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Origin of the post: https://www.eventsuche.info/de/information/dahoamelig-konzert-im-casino-innsbruck/11-20658.html
Share link: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/dahoamelig-konzert-im-casino-innsbruck-2021/