Selected date: 26.04.2022 | 11:00 Uhr
Ausstellung: Göttinnen 2022
The exhibition will evolve processually. The works by Elisabeth von Samsonow, the Karrabing Film Collective, Tejal Shah and Emeka Ogboh will gradually move into TAXISPALAIS in a two-week rhythm, with Ursula Beiler showing performances in between. The public is admitted four times with one ticket. They can witness the installation of the works and will be informed by newsletter as soon as a new work has been installed. For the finissage weekend we will have a party, pandemic permitting.
Visitors will be admitted four times with one ticket. The installation of the works can be witnessed. A newsletter will inform you as soon as a new work has been installed.
You can find more information about the exhibition programme at:
Picture from the event

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Categories: Ausstellung | Events
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