Selected date: 07.06.2023 | 18:30 Uhr
19. International Golden Roof Challenge 2023
For the first time in the long history of the cult event in Innsbruck's boulevard, Maria-Theresien-Strasse, the Int. Golden Roof Challenge has been accepted by the World Athletics Association into the select circle of the World Athletics Continental Tour (WACT)!
This means that the event has been upgraded by two WA categories (Cat. D) - which enables the invited top athletes to collect important world ranking points for the qualification for the 2023 World Championships and the 2024 Olympic Games!
At the same time, the Challenge serves this time as a welcome "show act" for the Trail Run World Championships taking place at the same time in Innsbruck!
Thus, a top-class, spectacular air show in pole vault and long jump on the largest and most flexible mobile athletics facility in the world "The FlySwat™" is guaranteed again!
Picture from the event

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