1 VON 6 – Tirols unsichtbare Armut 2023
Every 6th person in Tyrol is at risk of poverty or exclusion.
We make visible what no one wants to see.
On the occasion of the Day against Poverty on 17 October, Volkshilfe would like to give space to this current topic. 6 photographers from all over Austria show the different facets of poverty with their works. The public exhibition can be visited until the end of November.
Opening on DAY AGAINST POVERTY, 17 October, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
Volkstreffer, Gumppstraße 14 6020 Innbruck, Austria
Picture from the event
Image rights: (C) Innsbrucktermine.at
Categories: Ausstellung | Events
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Origin of the post: https://www.innsbrucktermine.at/veranstaltungen/1-von-6-tirols-unsichtbare-armut
Share link: https://inn-aktiv.at/events/1-von-6-tirols-unsichtbare-armut-2023/