ATTENTION: This date is in the past
Selected date: 02.11.2021 | 20:00 Uhr

1. Meisterkonzert – Emmanuel Pahud | Eric Le Sage 2021

Emmanuel Pahud - flute

Eric Le Sage - piano


Paul Hindemith

Sonata for flute and piano

Ludwig van Beethoven

Sonata in G major op. 30/3 for violin and piano

Gustav Mahler

Who thought up this little song (Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
Often I think they have only gone out (Kindertotenlieder No. 4)

Sergei Prokofiev

Sonata in D major op. 94 for flute and piano

Picture from the event

    Categories: Events | Kinder & Familie | Musik & Konzerte

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