Heimatleuchten präsentiert das Alpbachtal in einer neuen ServusTV Dokumentation

Updated on 01.04.2024

The magic of the Alpbach Valley, captured in moving images. On 22 April, the preview of "Das Alpbachtal - Alles zu seiner Zeit" will be celebrated at the Congress Centrum. A cinematic testimony to tradition in dialogue with nature.

Alpbach - "Das Alpbachtal - Alles zu seiner Zeit" is the title of the new documentary film that ServusTV has made about the Alpbachtal as part of the popular programme Heimatleuchten. The preview will take place on 22 April at 18:30 at the Congress Centrum Alpbach.

In the Alpbachtal, traditional crafts and customs are not forgotten, but are proudly preserved and brought into the present day with new, original ideas. Everything happens here in its own time. You can feel the people's deep connection with nature, they soak up the lifestyle with all their senses, always at their own pace and to their own taste.

The preview starts in Alpbach at 18:30. Everyone who is enthusiastic about the beauty of the Alpbach Valley is invited to this free event.

Preserving the old and integrating the newThenew film is a continuation of the highly successful cooperation between ServusTV and the Alpbachtal tourist region. The documentary "Das Alpbachtal - Alles zu seiner Zeit" shows how well the Alpbachtal holiday region has succeeded in preserving the old and integrating the new. Past and future seem to merge perfectly.

The Alpbachtal people's connection with nature has always ensured that work and customs are strongly orientated towards the course of time in nature. For example, it would be unthinkable for the traditional "Rangglerfest" not to take place in summer. Because that's when the heat is needed. And in winter, even back then, farmers preferred to lie on the stove bench rather than fight with each other.

Alpbachtal as a backdrop for numerous film shootsThebackdrop of the tourist region has attracted many filmmakers and their projects in recent years. For example, the documentaries "Winterreise durchs Alpbachtal" and "So schmeckt das Alpbachtal" were filmed as part of "Land der Berge". And the internationally successful filmmaker Hermann Weiskopf recently recorded interviews on film against the backdrop of the "Top of Alpbachtal" viewing platform.

Alpbachtal - Alles zu seiner Zeit" will be broadcast on ServusTV on 26 April at 20:15.