TschirgArt Jazz Festival 2023 | Imst

Updated 02.05.2023

Rebekka Baken, Gotthard and Milow are just some of the top acts that the Art Club Imst has managed to attract to this year's TschirgART Jazz Festival.

The Oberland DJ rap trio "Von Seiten der Gemeinde" opens the festival at Glenthof Imst on 5 May with the Viennese rapper Monobrother, the Imst group six4six0 and the Landeck rap collective Da Kessl.

6 May is themed "Jazz & Crossover" with Rebekka Bakken & Band as well as the Jazz/Takes Supergroup with, among others, Bill Evans (Sax.) and Harvey Mason (Drums).

On 9 May the grand master of Austrian cabaret - Josef Hader - presents his programme "Hader on Ice", which is well worth seeing. On 11 May his Styrian colleague Thomas Stipsits follows with his successful programme "Stinatzer Delikatessen".

On 12 May, the Swiss hard rock band Gotthard will present their latest album and, of course, all their hits. The Swedish metal band Eclipse will be a special guest.

International pop garnished with Austro-pop - that's how you could describe 13 May. The Belgian chart-topper Milow opens the evening with his band. This will be followed by Edmund, the shooting stars of Austro-pop.

Tickets are available at Ö-Ticket and at all Raiffeisen banks with a discount for Raiffeisen Club members. All information and details are available at www.artclubimst.at.