Newsletter February 01

<< english version below >>>

Dear students,

We hope you managed your last exams well or are well prepared for the end of the semester! Enjoy the lecture-free time in February, relax, hit the slopes or visit friends and family. Whatever you're up to - we hope you have fun and we'll see and hear you next semester!

Your ÖH chairmanship team, Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias L. Lung


1.) ÖH informs- ÖH x Studia- ÖH speakers and assistants wanted!- ÖH Semesteropening: Save the date!2.) Study: Mental Health among students in Austria3.) AIESEC is recruiting!4.) AURORA stays abroad5.) Sindbad Mentor:in warden!6.) Energy coachings


- ÖH x Studia

In 2023, Studia has set itself the goal of expanding its services for you even further. From now on, you can have your submitted data checked in many ways at before it is printed:

- You can choose a small "document check".- You can order a comprehensive check with a test print.- You can ask for a spelling check.- You can request a detailed review of your illustrations and graphics. -You can also simply have your learning materials printed quickly.-You can contact us at any time...we are here for you!

We have also added new and sustainable options to our bindings. And as the "icing on the cake", you can choose from the university merchandising range and other gift ideas at the bookshop on the Innrain.Your Studia for you online at www.studia.atalways available.


- ÖH officers and clerks wanted!

We are looking for new officers and clerks! Apply now as..

... Officer for International Affairs and ESN

... Desk officer for UNIpress

... Basic Officer

... Consultant for Verbund and Teacher Education West

We are also looking for clerks for the following departments:

... Department for Education Policy

... Department for International Affairs and ESN

... Social Policy Unit

... Department for Economic Affairs

For more information on the application procedure, deadlines and areas of responsibility, please visit:


- ÖH Semesteropening - Save the date

It's that time again! The legendary Semesteropening is back. Even bigger - even better - and announced even earlier: Keep the 23rd of March free.more information about the lineup, prices and ticket sales will follow in March!


2. Study: Mental health among students in Austria

We are looking for participants for a student survey on the topic of mental health in Austria! Vouchers worth a total of 500 EUR will be raffled among all participants.


The Faculty of Psychology at the University of Vienna is conducting a nationwide student survey in cooperation with ÖHs. Participation in the study helps to gain a better understanding of the correlation of psychological stress among students in Austria. The results can also be used to develop measures to improve study conditions. All participants have the opportunity to take part in a raffle.


3. AIESEC is recruiting!

Studying is important, but don't you think you have the potential to achieve even more? Do you want to gain leadership skills, work with companies, start-ups and people from abroad and improve your CV? AIESEC is the right place for you!

AIESEC is the world's largest youth-led volunteer organization. Our goal is to connect people from all over the world through international internships and volunteer projects. We are looking for motivated young people to join our team in Innsbruck to be part of managing these opportunities and more.Learn more and join us!Contact:


4. AURORA stays abroad

Are you looking for an exciting stay abroad? Are selected partner universities important to you? Then there is just the opportunity for you for the winter semester 2023/24. The call for the Aurora Semester Mobility opens on 30.02.2023. Applications are possible until 12.03.2023. You can find more detailed information here:


5. Become a Sinbad Mentor!

Become a mentor and experience your impact first hand! At Sindbad you support a young person in making the leap from compulsory schooling to further education. In doing so, you will get to know a different world, broaden your horizons and develop your social leadership skills. Do you still remember who strengthened and supported you in your youth? Become an opportunity producer yourself and register here for the information evening!


6. Energy coaching

Would you like free tips, tricks and tools to save energy in your household? You want to reduce costs and help the climate at the same time? The volunteer energy and climate coaches of the DoppelPlus initiative identify hidden energy guzzlers in your home - for example when heating, ventilating, washing, cooking and shopping. To help you start using our resources more consciously, you will also receive an energy-saving and climate protection starter package with LED lamps, thermometers and hygrometers, water-saving controllers and many other useful items. Make an appointment today: Call us on 0699 16198337 or send us an e-mail: For more information, go to: https: //

<< english version >>>

Dear students!

We hope you successfully finished your last exams or are perfectly prepared for this semester's final spurt! Enjoy the lecture-free time in February, relax, hit the slopes or visit friends and family. Whatever your plans are - we wish you a lot of fun and we will see and hear from each other next semester!

Your head of the ÖH,Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias L. Lung

1.) ÖH Informs- ÖH x Studia- ÖH Consultants Wanted!- ÖH Semesteropening: Save the Date!2.) Study: Student's Mental Health in Austria3.) AIESEC is recruiting!4.) AURORA International Experiences5.) Sindbad: Become a mentor!6.) Energy Coachings


- ÖH x Studia

In 2023, Studia has set itself the goal to expand their services even further for you.From now on you can have your submitted data checked before printing via in many ways:

- You can choose a small 'Document Check'.- You can order a full check including one test print.- You can ask for a spelling correction check.- You can request a revision of your figures and charts.- You can also simply have your study materials printed quickly.- You can contact us anytime...we are here for you!

We have also expanded our selection of bindings with new and sustainable options. And as the icing on the cake, you can choose from the university merchandising range and many more gift ideas at the bookshop Innrain.Your Studia is always available for you at


- ÖH Consultants Wanted!

We are looking for new heads of different ÖH departments and consultants!Apply now as...... head of the department of International Affairs and ESN... head of the UNIpress... head of the Basisreferat (internal department for support of student representatives)... head of the department Verbund und Lehrer:innenbildung West (Teacher Education West)

We are also looking for consultants for the following departments:...department of Education Policy... department of International Affairs and ESN...department of Social Policy...department for Economic Affairs

You can find further information about the application process, deadlines and areas of responsibility at


- ÖH Semesteropening: Save the Date!

It's that time of the year again! The legendary Semesteropening is back. Even bigger - better - and announced even earlier:Mark your calendars for the Semesteropening on March, 23!Further information about the lineup, prices and ticket sale will be announced in March!


2. Study: Student's Mental Health in Austria

Participants for student survey on mental health in Austria wanted! Among all participants vouchers worth a total of EUR500 will be raffled.


The Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna conducts a student survey in cooperation with the ÖH throughout Austria. Participation in the study helps to gain a better understanding of the connection of student's mental load in Austria. The results can also be used to develop measures to improve study conditions. All participants have the opportunity to take part in the raffle.


3. AIESEC is recruiting!

Studying is important, but don't you think you have the potential to achieve even more? Do you want to gain leadership skills, work with companies, start-ups and people from abroad and improve your CV? AIESEC is the right place for you!

AIESEC is the world's largest youth-led volunteer organization. Our goal is to connect people from all over the world through international internships and volunteer projects. We are looking for motivated young people to join our team in Innsbruck to be part of managing these opportunities and more.Learn more and join us!Contact:


4. AURORA International Experiences

You are looking for an exciting stay abroad? Selected partner universities in the program are important to you? Then there is exactly the right opportunity for you in the winter semester 2023/24. On February 30, 2023 the call for the Aurora semester mobility opens. Application is possible until March 12, 2023. Detailed information can be found here:


5. Sindbad: Become a mentor!

Become a mentor and experience the impact of your support from very close!At Sindbad, you support a teenager at the transition to further education. As a mentor you get to know a different living environment, broaden your horizons and expand your social leadership skills.Do you still remember who gave you strength and supported you as a teenager? Give opportunities yourself and register now for the information evening!


6. Energy Coachings

You would like to have free tips, tricks and tools to save energy in your home? You would like to reduce costs and help the climate at the same time?The voluntary energy and climate coaches of the DoppelPlus initiative identify hidden energy guzzlers in your home - for example when heating, ventilating, washing, cooking and shopping. To help you to become more aware on how to use our resources, you additionally receive an energy-saving and climate-protection starter pack with LED lights, thermometers and hygrometers, water-saving limiters and many more useful things.Make an appointment today: Give us a call: 0699 16198337 or send us an email: kontakt@doppelplus.tirolFurtherinformation at:

-----------------Anna Fill - Lukas Schobesberger - Matthias L. LungChair team of the University Students' Union at the University of Innsbruck