MCI among Austria's best employers

Once again this year MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule® is one of the best employers in Austria. This is confirmed by the recently published employer ranking of the business magazine trend in cooperation with the European employer rating platform kununu and the market research company Statista. MCI's excellent ranking in the category of the "25 best newcomers" is also particularly pleasing.

For the survey, more than 1,400 employers in Austria were identified that fulfilled the minimum requirement of 200 employees and were assigned to predefined industries. A total of more than 200,000 assessments were included in the ranking, which is based on an anonymous online survey of employees, trend readers and members of kununu and Xing. In addition, ratings on kununu and the ranking of the previous year were taken into account. However, the greatest influence on the overall result was the willingness to recommend one's own employer.

Brigitte Auer, Head of MCI Recruiting & Human Resources Development, is pleased with the result: "Our employees in teaching, research, management and administration give their best every day and are largely responsible for the success of the Entrepreneurial University®. We are all the more pleased that they appreciate the environment and the opportunities we offer them. We see it as an important task to give our employees room for development and perspectives, to offer opportunities for further development, to accompany and support them and to create a climate characterised by openness, trust and team spirit"