MCI Sustainability Week: Gemeinsam für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® can look back on a successful week of events: This year's "MCI Sustainability Week" took place from 22 to 27 May at the Innsbruck campus under the motto "Together for a sustainable future". The six-day event was aimed at MCI students and staff as well as school classes, companies, NGOs and interested individuals who want to assume social responsibility and contribute to a better future.

A wide range of interactive workshops, valuable lectures and exciting excursions awaited the participants. Together with experts and impact makers, topics such as climate change, waste separation, plastic alternatives, social aspects of sustainability, sustainable nutrition and collective action were discussed and innovative solutions for related challenges were actively developed. Special attention was paid to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A highlight of the MCI Sustainability Week was the "Impact Makers Summit", which linked visitors with organisations and companies from a wide range of sectors at a trade fair. Short presentations and a panel discussion moderated by MCI students rounded off the programme and a successful week for all.

High level of commitment in organisation & participation

More than 500 interested people attended last week's events, which were organised by both MCI staff and students as part of a practical project. The main organisers Janine Prokesch and Regina Obexer are pleased with the lively participation: "The diverse events we were able to offer over the course of the week were only possible thanks to the involvement of many colleagues at the MCI and beyond. It is great to see how many people are committed to sustainability, and we are pleased to have created a platform for this commitment with the MCI Sustainability Week."

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is enthusiastic about the success of the event: "MCI Sustainability Week has shown how important it is that we work together for a sustainable future. The enthusiasm and commitment of our students and staff as well as our partner organisations is encouraging and we are proud to be a leader in promoting sustainability."

A big thank you goes to the sponsors and partners for their generous support: hollu, IKB, ASI Reisen, EGGER, Stadt Innsbruck, cinematograph-leokino, Hypo Tirol, ILF, öh mci, SynCraft and Wirtschaftskammer Tirol.