MCI signs agreement with UC Berkeley

There is great news to report at the MCI: A partnership agreement has just been signed with the renowned University of California, Berkeley, in which joint activities in the areas of research, teaching and social commitment are envisaged. These include, among other things

  • cooperative research projects, conferences, workshops, symposia, seminars and trainings on topics of common interest,
  • Exchange of researchers, post-docs and students, and
  • Exchange of information and cooperation in the area of joint publications and similar activities.

The cooperation was initiated in the course of a visiting professorship by MCI Rector Andreas Altmann at the Institute of European Studies at UC Berkeley, which is supported by the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation. The Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley is also particularly involved in the planned cooperation.

Markus Schweiger, Executive Director of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, explains: "We congratulate the MCI on the cooperation agreement with UC Berkeley. After all, this is the declared goal of our agreement with the Institute of European Studies at Berkeley, which has been in place since 2003: to offer Austrian higher education institutions a hub at one of the most renowned universities on the West Coast, thus enabling lasting networking."

"The cooperation agreement with UC Berkeley, which is ranked among the world's top universities, confirms our chosen path of high academic quality and internationality; it offers researchers, teachers, students and the shared location exciting potential for cooperation," adds MCI Rector Andreas Altmann.

Founded in 1868, the University of California, Berkeley is not only one of the leading universities in the USA, but also ranks among the best universities in the world due to its outstanding achievements in research, teaching and social commitment. Its alumni and faculty members include numerous well-known personalities and Nobel Prize winners from the fields of science, politics, art and business.

"UC Berkeley is among the absolute top in worldwide university rankings. The cooperation with MCI is an honour, an opportunity and a distinction at the same time," emphasises Susanne Lichtmannegger, Associate Dean of Internationalization at MCI.

Internationalisation at the MCI

Options abroad at over 300 partner universities, summer/winter schools, study tours, scholarships and double degrees characterise the international reputation of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®. With the conclusion of the partnership agreement with UC Berkeley, MCI is taking another important step towards internationalisation, networking its researchers, teachers, students and alumni, and strengthening and making Innsbruck-Tyrol more attractive as a location for science, technology, innovation, education and business.